Blog Post

"Gym-timidation" or "Gym Phobia"

May 1, 2023

How our location can help you avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety of the gym

Let me start off by telling you that fearing the gym is a real thing and many people suffer from this. Having a fear of being at the gym isn't because the gym is bad, it boils down to several different reasons. The most common reason I've come across is something known as " gym-timidation ". Though the title sounds funny, this can make a gym seem rather repulsive to some. The idea is that people at the gym are big and bulky and are superior to those that aren't frequent users. While the physical assumption of big and bulky gym members is sometimes true, they aren't there to boast some sort of false superiority and judgement, they're really there for the same reason as most other members; to better themselves fitness wise.

Here at bioDensity Fitness we have more of a quiet, secluded area for you to perform your workout. Enjoy the open atmosphere of our golf simulator room, previously used as a wedding venue. The large area gives the bioDensity machine and the PowerPlate their own little area behind all the action. Let us help you take steps to being around others while working out one 15 minute session at a time.

Good Vibrations
By Brianna L'Allier December 13, 2018
I've been in a gym a few times... okay, more like a ton. Between going to places in the Twin Cities and around my small town, I have never encountered the magical machine called the Power Plate. The best way for me to explain the Power Plate to you is to first ask a question. Have you ever driven down a bumpy road? And I'm not talking the occasional bump, I'm talking gravel backroad that hasn't been grated in probably 20 years. So I'll ask again, have you ever driven down a bumpy road? Because that is the most similar experience I can relate to what the Power Plate is like. Now you could just stand on it and just shake away, but to reap the benefits the Power Plate boasts you'll need to do some movements. I'm all about lower body workouts, so I love doing squats on the Power Plate. More recently, I've added in a glute band to really get the lower body workout party going. Aside from doing squats, I really enjoy engaging in non-traditional workouts. With the Power Plate, I can perform many of the body weight exercises I would typically do at the gym faster and with much less pain the following day. There are also some other things you can do on the Power Plate that you would maybe have a hard time doing otherwise. For example, I can lay my back on the Power Plate to get a lower back massage while performing a static crunch hold. It's really quite amazing. Come in and try it out for yourself!
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